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As the world comes to a standstill to curb COVID-19, there’s a lot of confusion and changing information – and understandably. We’re in untreaded waters, getting used to unfamiliar routines as we quickly learn new terms like “social distancing” and “self-isolation” and build up a repertoire of 20-second handwashing songs.  

The Board Members of Pro Sayulita want to do our part to ensure that our community members stay safe, healthy, and thriving.

We have made the unanimous decision to postpone our Gala Dinner to a later date (to be confirmed).

Our Live Auction items will be posted on our website within the next few days. We hope that you will participate in the Auction to help us generate much needed cash flow to continue our support of the many programs we fund.

Thank you all for your understanding as we go through this unsettling time.

Sending virtual hugs to you all,

The Board of Directors for Pro Sayulita

February 6

An Evening of Tropical Elegance

March 18

Pro Sayulita Gala Dinner